Američka pevačica Bri Šarp napravila je novu verziju poznate pesme "David Duchovny, Why Won't You Love Me", nakon mnogobrojnih sugestija fanova i prijatelja.

"Ludilo još uvek traje nakon svih ovih godina… Pre oko nedelju dana, posle mnogo opomena od strane fanova i nostalgičnih razgovora sa prijateljima, Doni i ja smo se našli u studiju jedne kasne večeri. Iz zabave smo izvukli klavir, osvežili moje snove, zakopčala sam čizme (za novu stvar) i snimili smo ovu jednostavnu verziju za sve one cure i momke negde tamo koji još uvek žele da veruju", izjavila je Bri na svom sajtu.

Tekst pesme:

It's Sunday night, I am curled up in my room
The TV light fills my heart like a balloon
I hold it in as best I can, I know I'm just another fan
But I can't help feeling, I could love this secret agent man
And I can't wait any more for him to discover me
I got it bad for David Duchovny
David Duchovny, why won't you love me?
Why won't you love me?

My friends all tell me, "Girl, you know it's just a show"
Deep within his eyes, I see a different episode
Watching the sky for a sign
The FBI is on my mind
I'm waiting for the day, when my lucky stars align

In the form of David Duchovny floating above me
In the alien light of the spaceship of love, I need
David Duchovny hovering above me
American Heathcliff, brooding and comely
David Duchovny, why won't you love me?
Why won't you love me? Why won't you love me?

So smooth and so smart
He's abducted my heart and I'm falling apart
From the looks I receive, from those eyes I can't leave
And you can say I'm naive, but he told me to believe

My bags are packed, I’m off to find that holy cow
And though the water’s high
Hell, I’ve got to find him now
No more sitting like a clone
Wishing he would tap my phone
Just to hear the breath of
The man, the myth, the monotone

And I would say, David Duchovny, why won't you love me?
Why won't you love me? Why won't you love me?
David Duchovny, why won't you love me?
Why won't you love me? Why won't you love me?
David Duchovny, I want you to love me
To kiss and to hug me, to debrief and to debug me
David Duchovny I know you could love me
I'm sweet and I'm cuddly, I'm gonna kiss Scully
David Duchovny, why won't you love me?
Why won't you love me? Why won't you love me?

I’ll be waiting… for the reboot…

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